I find it really hard to understand why this application in Beech Road, Alderley Edge has had a planning refusal. The scheme is for a 2-storey extension to the side and a single storey to the rear.
The refusal refers too ‘an increased sense of enclosure’ to no 15. I can accept that the proposed first-floor window may be a loss of privacy, but this can be designed out, and the extension is on the north of the back gardens and so will not take away sunlight. I have seen a lot more overbearing extensions approved in a lot more sensitive circumstances.
If I were the applicant I would be discussing with the Cheshire East planning authority what could be achieved under permitted development, which does not require planning permission, and using this to support a few carefully considered revisions and a revised application. This of course will cause another 4-5 month delay to the development coming forward.
The proposed elevations below are simple, but well-presented and in keeping with the existing surroundings.