22/0201/FFU: REFUSED Two-Story Side Extension - Ridiculous Decision
Broom Field, Windlesham - Surrey Heath Borough Council
Planning refused for the erection of a two-storey side extension, a single-storey rear extension, a side extension to garage, and conversion of existing garage to habitable space. An unfair decision.
This decision is very unfair. It is a simple single and two-storey addition to a small detached house on a corner plot in a suburb. The planners have refused this on the basis that when the hedge and 1.8m of grass are lost it would be detrimental to the character of the surrounding area. We would contest that once the project was completed no one would ever have noticed!
The Parish Council has no objection, and if you can’t add simple extensions in locations such as this it is a poor show! We would recommend an appeal and robust supporting statement before reverting to reducing the scale of the design, maybe a few side windows to address the reason for refusal.
These types of projects are reasonable, affordable, and achievable, and in times of an uncertain economy, they keep the building industry ticking over and people's savings flowing through the economy. Ridiculous decision. There are far more important and sensitive applications upon which the planners should focus their attention.