22/1708/NMA REFUSED: Non Material Amendment to Planning Permission
Berks Head, Chorleywood - Three Rivers District Council
Proposed Amendment: Non Material Amendment to planning permission 21/2857/FUL: To allow for the retention of the existing porch and alterations to the front door Relating to Planning Application No : 21/2857/FUL Approved Development.
This is a previously approved planning application for a series of alterations to a house, including rear and side extensions and a new replacementporch. It appears that the applicants have decided to keep the existing hipped-roof porch and not replace this with a pitched roofed porch (both are illustrated on the elevation below), but would like to replace the front door with an alternative design.
Because this would make very little difference to how the house looks now, Edite Architects have applied for this to be treated as a non-material amendment, which means that the change does not have to go through public consultation and the full planning process for such a minor revision, changes such as this can be turned around within a couple of weeks and serve to regularise the paperwork of the final scheme.
The planners in this case, Three Rivers District Council have deemed this to be a revision which requires a full planning application, this seems bizarre and ridiculous, it causes further delays for the applicant and is still not guaranteed to gain approval. Cases such as this have no real benchmark upon which to judge the way forward, and basically depend on how the planners feel. Either scheme is well-considered and attractive, the proposed scheme is virtually what is already there! This is a prime example of the unjust nature of the current planning system and how the personal preferences of the individuals involved can cause disruption to even the most minor projects.