This application has been refused on the basis of The proposal, by virtue of the site parameters, its incongruous siting and design, would fail to respect the character of the area and would be contrary to the spatial pattern within the area. The contrived and cramped layout would fail to respect the development within the wider area and not constitute good design. See location here.
This is an interesting decision, as the wording does not imply that a dwelling in this location, which is at the back of two opposite rows of houses, is unacceptable. The refusal is based upon poor design and cramped location. There is clearly enough space for some form of development in-between these two rows of houses as the back gardens are extensive, and the proposed bungalow is a poor and unattractive design, but the applicant is working within the the land that they own and trying not to give too much garden away.
PAPA Says - We would recommend that a different approach to the design, a much more modern, low-lying and carefully designed dwelling, releasing a little more garden would give the local authority a difficult decision to make. alternatively the applicant could pursue a lawful development application for what they will be allowed to build under permitted development rights. In theory they can build over 50% of their garden with low level buildings which could be a much less attractive building. Once they have this a revised application for a better designed traditional style bungalow might be better received.