The main reason for the refusal given by Tewkesbury Borough Council is that The proposal by reason of its siting, design and scale would result in an incongruous alteration and addition to the roof slope which would be unduly prominent and harmful to the character and appearance of this row of terraced houses and the street scene as a whole.
This is quite a common issue, where applicants would like to add to their loft spaces to make more space, and the problem here is that the addition of this high level balcony will fundamentally affect the street-scene and if this is a long row of terraces, it could look untidy. In this location however these are three, fairly recent terraces not linked to a further street scene, relatively isolated and looking over a small parking area bounded by trees. Located here
If the row had been originally designed this way the symmetry of having a central balcony might well have been approved, and this would be the crux of the discussion if the applicant decides to go to appeal. We would question whether the benefit of this addition would make any difference to the room above, with the creation of a tunnel-effect up to a balcony the same width of the existing dormer window.
Proposed Front Elevation
Street View
PAPA Says - It might be worth a planning appeal, but the chances are that the appeal inspector will err on the side of caution and uphold the original decision.