Planning Application Cranleigh | Waverley Borough Council | WA/2023/00150 | REFUSED | Alterations To Existing Building To Provide 12 Dwellings | Horsham Road
There are a series of reasons for refusal here, including lack of affordable housing, drainage plan, access design and the effect upon historic woodland and wildlife habitat, but there is nothing that says that the conversion of the existing buildings into dwellings is not acceptable.
So the challenge is set, is it possible to overcome these technical issues, and if so, then a revised application with all of these issues addressed may become more difficult to refuse. It must help that some of the existing buildings already have Prior Approval to convert to 5 dwellings.
The application seems to be well-assembled and the agent knowledgeable of these projects but in planning terms this development is still in countryside, there is only one neighbour objection, it seems that case officer does not wish to set a precedent allowing further housing in the countryside.