The Reason for refusal of this application is The proposal, by reason of the poor integration of the first floor extension roof is considered unsympathetic to the character and appearance of the existing dwelling and if approved would constitute an incongruous feature within the street scene detrimental to the visual amenities of the locality.
Looking at the proposed elevations it is clear to see why. The existing house has a main body or mass, with an ancillary double garage attached, which gives it a certain scale and character, the proposed addition has no real detail or design features, is quite massive, and visually doubles the size of the houses visually from the road-side, it would be interesting also to see what roof finish is proposed for the very shallow roof proposed in this extension
PAPA SAYS - The principal of creating space above this garage is perfectly acceptable but the additions need to appear visually ancillary to the main body of the building, more careful thought and a breaking down of the massing of this proposal is required.