Planning Application Leatherhead | Mole Valley District Council | MO/2023/0205 | REFUSED | Application for Building Plot in Garden | Fir Tree Road/Reigate Road
The main reasons for refusal here are that the proposal would not be in-keeping with the character of the area, which is generally large detached houses, sitting in spacious surroundings, and that proposal, by reason of the layout of the development and design, scale and massing of the dwelling, would result in an overpowering and overbearing impact on existing neighbouring properties. Furthermore, the design would result in a level of overlooking which is considered harmful given the close relationship of the building with the adjacent gardens located here.
The design of this proposal is actually very sympathetic with the surrounding architecture, and is in-keeping, however there is a first floor rear window which will over-look the garden behind, and the garden size for the new dwelling is limited.
Proposed Site plan
PAPA SAYS - There does appear to be space for a plot in this location, but the first floor needs to be re-designed to eliminate the rear upstairs window overlooking the neighbours garden. The rear garden is also limited, and so the main lodge might need to relinquish a little more amenity space for the new dwelling. Even with these changes the Local Authority are not likely to over-turn their decision, but if these issues are addressed there is a better chance of success at appeal.