Planning Application Stratford-Upon-Avon | Stratford-on-Avon District Council | 22/03483/FUL | PLANNING REFUSAL | Demolition of buildings and construction of six dwellings | Evesham Road | Stratford-Upon-Avon
The main reasons for refusal on this application is the loss of employment land, and development which would be out of context with the surrounding area. This decision seems to be a little bizarre! The existing site is right in the middle of a residential area, a location where you would not normally find or encourage an employment usage, and so for the Planning Authority to refuse this use can only be that they do not wish to open the floodgates to a series of planning applications of backland/tandem developments on the adjacent back gardens, but why the devil not, Stratford-On-Avon Planning Department?
Arial View of Site
Proposed Scheme
There is plenty of room in this location to develop this site without up-setting the amenity of the surrounding neighbours, and the disruption provided by six houses here is a lot less than it might be if a busy commercial operation were to take place on this site.
PAPA SAYS - The scheme has been submitted by a planning consultant, Bromley Planning, we are sure that this will be taken to appeal, and out of the local politics in order that the government can take a sensible over-view.