Planning Application Sutton at Hone and Hawley | Dartford Borough Council | DA/23/00358/FUL | REFUSED | First Floor Side Extension | Kingsley Cross Road
The reason for refusal here is The proposed development by virtue of its scale, bulk, width, design, and arrangement, combined with the scale and arrangement of the existing implemented extensions would cumulatively result in a dominant building within the street scene.
Looking at the scheme, the refusal is not unjust. There is no reason why a sensitively designed addition to the existing single storey side extension would not be approved, but in cases such a this, the addition needs to be subservient in scale to the main house, or it totally transforms the scale of the property, and makes it far too dominant, ariel view here
PAPA SAYS - go back to re-design, reduce the scale of the height of the addition and go again, there is a solution to this without too much compromise.