This front wall has already been built and completed, and clearly there have been neighbour complaints.
The reason for refusal on this one is The front boundary wall, by virtue of its prominent location and enclosing the front garden, in an area which has a predominantly open plan character, would result in a discordant and incongruous feature in the existing street scene, to the detriment of visual amenity and character of the area.
Completed Wall
Previous Open Frontague
When you study the officers report, the applicant could have been quite unlucky here, as usually you can build a boundary wall up to 1m high on you boundary under permitted development rights .
The problem that planner refers to the original planning approval, presumably for the housing estate, which has a planning condition that states no wall; fence or structure of any kind. So this boundary is to stay open under the original planning permission for the house.
PAPA SAYS - In this case the appeal inspector will decide whether the applicant made an honest mistake, and also whether the wall effects the character of the area, it would have helped if the chosen brick had matched the main house, but clearly the wall is now complete, we will watch with interest.