Failed Planning Applications in Alderley Edge, Cheshire East | January - July 2023
So far in 2023, several planning applications in Alderley Edge faced refusal. Understanding the reasons behind these decisions is crucial for future applicants to ensure their projects meet local planning requirements. The following summarises the grounds for refusal based on the available results:
1. Inappropriate Development in the Green Belt:
The proposed dwelling was significantly larger than the existing one, resulting in the classification as inappropriate development within the Green Belt.
This proposal led to a loss of openness in the Green Belt.
The development did not meet criteria set in paragraph 149 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
The application was in opposition to Policy RUR13 of the Site Allocations and Development Policies Document, Policy PG3 of the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy, and the National Planning Policy Framework.
2. Detriment to Alderley Edge Conservation Area and National Trust land:
Extensions to an existing garage expanded an outbuilding to an unacceptable extent.
Glazing to a basement addition was inconsistent with existing buildings' character, appearing bulky.
Re-landscaping led to encroachment into the open garden, compromising the conservation area's sylvan character.
Developments undermined the plot's spaciousness, disrupted rural views, and intensified an urban character.
Contradictions were noted against various policies from the Cheshire East Local Plan, Site Allocations and Development Policies Document, Alderley Edge Neighbourhood Plan, and the National Planning Policy Framework.
3. Negative Impact on Residential Amenity:
The proposals were overbearing for existing properties to the north and east.
There was a loss of privacy for eastern properties due to overlooking.
Contradictions were found with Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy policies SD2 and SE1, Site Allocations Development Plan Document policy HOU 13, and the Cheshire East design guide.
An additional proposal with a rear extension was found to have an overbearing impact on adjoining properties, contradicting various policies.
4. Incomplete Information and Impact on Local Character:
Insufficient details were provided to assess the proposal's impact on the area's character.
The full scope of the extensions was not depicted in the submitted elevations.
Contradictions were seen with policies from the Cheshire East Local Plan, Site Allocations and Development Policies Document, Alderley Edge Neighbourhood Plan, and the National Planning Policy Framework.
Understanding these refusals can be invaluable for residents and developers planning to make future applications. By acknowledging the areas that led to past applications' rejections, prospective applicants can preemptively address these issues in their designs and better navigate the complex planning landscape of Alderley Edge.
Cheshire East, a unitary authority in the North West of England, offers a blend of urban and rural environments. Cheshire East Council, as the local planning authority, oversees planning applications and ensures they comply with both national and local policies via its Local Plan. The region comprises 12 town councils, 90 parish or community councils and 4 parish meetings and there is a vast difference in size and profile for each, each contributing to the diverse character of Cheshire East. These administrative divisions are instrumental in shaping the local planning process, striking a delicate balance between development and conservation across the region.