Why Was My Planning Application Rejected in Alsager, Cheshire East?
Nestled in the heart of Cheshire East, Alsager exudes an enchanting charm that is fiercely protected through stringent planning processes. For homeowners who've been taken aback by a recent planning application rejection, it's pivotal to grasp the key factors that may have influenced the council's decision. Here's a dive into some insights collated from January to August 2023to shine a light on the intricacies of Alsager's planning standards.
1. Upholding the Street Scene's Character:
Alsager places a premium on maintaining the harmonious character and appearance of its streets. One leading cause for application rejections has been projects that are seen as detrimental to the street scene. This perceived harm contradicts Policies SE1 (Design), SD2 (Sustainable DevelopmentPrinciples) of the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy, Policy GEN 1 (DesignPrinciples) of the Site Allocations and Development Plan Policies Document, and Policy H6 (Housing Design) of the Alsager Neighbourhood Plan.
2. Ensuring Adequate Private Amenity Space:
A home's external space is just as significant as its interiors. Several applications have been turned down because the proposed development would offer in sufficient private amenity space for future residents. These refusals typically point to a conflict with Policy HOU 13 (Residential Standards) of theSite Allocations and Development Plan Policies Document, Policy SD2 of theCheshire East Local Plan Strategy, and Policy H6 of the Alsager NeighbourhoodPlan.
3. Adhering to the Nationally Described Space Standard (NDSS):
Space is more than just a luxury; it's a fundamental residential amenity. There's been a recurring theme in 2023 where proposed dwellings don't meet the space standards outlined by the NDSS due to their limited internal floorspace. Such proposals often contradict policies HOU8 and HOU12 of the Cheshire EastSite Allocations and Development Policies Document.
4. Collaborative Efforts with the Local Planning Authority (LPA):
The LPA, in its mission to uphold Alsager’s charm, works hand-in-hand with applicants. Following the guidance in paragraph 38 of the National PlanningPolicy Framework, the LPA seeks to co-create developments that elevate the economic, social, and environmental facets of the area. However, in some instances, despite active guidance, a mutually agreeable solution remains elusive, leading to application rejections.
In Conclusion...
Receiving a rejection for a planning application in Alsager is an invitation to recalibrate. It's about understanding the nuances of the town's cherished ethos and working in tandem with that vision. By recognising the region's unique requirements and tailoring proposals accordingly, homeowners can enhance their chances of witnessing their dream projects come to fruition, seamlessly fitting into the Alsager tapestry.